Adam Bruene, DC, Cert. MDT, DNSP
Founder, NeuroActive Health and Fitness
Dr. Bruene is the only practitioner who is certified in both the McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) in the state of Illinois. He earned his Bachelor's degree from the University of Illinois and graduated from the National University of Health Sciences in 2009, with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree. Since his initial education, Dr. Bruene has continued to search for the most advanced techniques and innovative approaches to chiropractic care and physical medicine. He prides himself on staying current with the newest research, and adapting new techniques and protocols into his work. He is a certified McKenzie practitioner and certified DNS Practitioner and Exercise Trainer.
His goal in creating NAH&F was to bring to you a place where you could truly invest in your own health, through education and preventative measures. The design of NeuroActive Fitness classes is an opportunity for all that are interested to participate in a "self-fixing" protocol, and prevent those from needing to become "patients." It is a neurological pre-habilitation strategy that fits seamlessly with whatever it is you're already doing, and can help prevent injury while also improving athletic performance.
His clinical approach is to utilize every tool at YOUR disposal, and to help you get well fast. He believes in treating patients fewer times and focusing on active strategies that patients can perform themselves, producing long-lasting or even permanent solutions to pain and dysfunction.
Continuing Education
McKenzie A-D and Advanced Extremities, McKenzie Certified.
DNS A-D, DNS Certified Practitioner.
DNS Exercise I-III, Certified DNS Exercise Trainer
DNS Advanced Skills Courses on: Gait, Foot, Soft Tissue, Sport Specific Assessment, Running, Throwing, Golf, Baseball, Weight Lifting, Yoga 1-4, Movement Flow, Advanced Problem Solving and more.
Neurodynamics, Upper and Lower Quadrants
Gait Analysis
Kinesiotaping Certification Program
Motion Palpation
Clinical Nutrition
McKenzie Institute International
Prague School of Rehabilitation, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization
Motion Palpation Institute
Illinois Chiropractic Society